B站录播姬 V2.1.1 最新版
Players can no longer purchase more vehicles than their properties can store.
Players can now launch a video card benchmark test from the main menu.
Fixed an issue where facial features would not save correctly when transferring a character from Xbox 360 or PS3 and changing genders while editing the character's appearance.
Fixed an issue where players could become stuck in the clouds when voting to quick restart the Humane Labs Heist.
修复了一个玩家可能在执行 人道实验室抢劫任务 时 卡住的bug
Fixed an issue where markers in the Rockstar Editor could not be deleted with the mouse.
修复了 视频编辑器显示鼠标的bug
Fixed various audio recording issues with Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed an issue where the Yacht would not appear in some recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
Fixed a rare issue where some Rockstar Editor clips could not be opened for editing.
Fixed an issue where the GTAV Launcher would not display the correct amount of time remaining for file downloads.
The Steam overlay has been moved to prevent it from covering up Launcher buttons.
Fixed an issue where the game would not save your settings when restarting in some instances.
Fixed a rare issue where the Steam version of the game would crash right after launching.
修复了游戏启动以后崩溃的bug (steam版)
Windows Media Player is no longer required to install GTAV. Instead, Windows Media Foundation will be required.
安装游戏不再需要WMP, 现在需要 Windows Media Foundation
Fixed an issue where the game would show the pause menu without player input.
Fixed an issue where the max frame rate would be incorrectly low in rare cases.
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